
Femme Greedo Cosplay - Going some place, Solo? Comic Con is at long last here! What's more I'm so eager to make the huge uncover of this ensemble I've been arranging since a year ago. You better accept this hot woman Greedo dependably shoots first.

Femme Greedo Cosplay

Femme Greedo Cosplay

The most recent two years I shook the hot Chewbacca outfit I made in 2010. At the same time as crazy as it sounds, sparsely clad wookiees obviously turned into an overabundant pattern at the Con and some Reddit-trolling geeks got their whitey tighties in a turn over seeing their most loved strolling floor covering sexualized by "fake geek young ladies." accordingly, I've embarked to bombshell a couple of more Star Wars fans by sexualizing a standout amongst the most unsexy characters in the cosmic system far away — Greedo. Yes, our adored enthusiastic abundance seeker with the notorious messy marksmanship.

Femme Greedo Cosplay

Femme Greedo Cosplay

I began conceptualizing and planning this outfit weeks after Sdcc'12. I grabbed the blue jeans and tank at Forever 21 and requested a couple of $1 round sunglasses on Ebay. I made the cinch, holster, and vest myself and I was super pleased since it was my first time utilizing the sewing machine on my own. At that point my mother and I slaved over these silly points of interest down the side of the jeans and invested hours upon hours attempting to evaluate the most ideal approach to join them to the jeans without needing to tear them open. At last everything began meeting up. I made the hands with elastic gloves and moved paper painted over with fluid trim latex. The radio wires were framed by chiseling paper with covering tape and afterward painting over with the fluid latex. For the mohawk, I painted Q-tips and stuck them to a portion of fabric bobby-stuck to my head. Also finally, the ears were made by chiseling a structure from earth and painting on a removable layer of fluid latex. Every last bit of it was a colossal learning knowledge and I had no idea what I was doing the whole time, yet I think everything met up pretty conventionally. 

Femme Greedo Cosplay

Femme Greedo Cosplay
Femme Greedo Cosplay

Before I get annoyed for it, I apologize for utilizing Han Solo's blaster and not a DT-12. It all the better I could do. Likewise, because of Cryssy Cheung for this amazing little "Han Shot First" stick emphasized on my vest. Femme Greedo Cosplay

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How to set Femme Greedo Cosplay on your desktop?

1. Just click the image so that a photo appears.
2. Rightclick the mouse button.
3. Choose 'Set As Desktop Background' if you're using Firefox or 'Set As Background' if you're using Internet Explorer.

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